31st Aug: Join our next Education Session
This Education Session is hosted by our own Chris Murphy and open to all!
To book please email hello@tunbridge-wells-speakers.org or if you have access to EasySpeak you will soon be able to mark your attendance there.
Details about the event:
Has someone asked if you'd like to take a role in a speech contest and you've said no because you haven't done it before or you think you don't have enough experience?
Well this evening is about helping you understand what the roles entail and how you have all the skills necessary to be a judge, time keeper or ballot counter, or even the chief judge or contest chair.
This short evening will briefly tell you what's entailed, you will then get a chance to practise doing various roles, so that in a real competition you can jump in if you want to with confidence.
Come along, it will be light hearted and you get to see what goes on behind the scenes so you can help out at a speech contest with confidence.
Date and time:
Date: Tuesday 31st August 2021
Time: 19:15
Run-Time: 90mins with a break and opportunity to chat
Where: Hosted virtually with login details sent in advance
How to book: email hello@tunbridge-wells-speakers.org or via EasySpeak