Sergeant at Arms
Role introduction
To ensure everyone is seated and starts the meeting on time.
Before the Meeting:
It is important to prepare for the role. Although this role might seem relatively ‘minor’, as the SAA is not on stage for a long period, it’s actually very crucial! A well prepared introduction really sets the tone for the evening and will make you feel more confident about getting people to their seats.
During the Meeting:
Arrive with sufficient time to clarify equipment requirements with speakers (at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting). As the room we use at the Tunbridge Wells & Counties Club can change, make sure you know the correct directions for the fire exit and toilets etc. relative to that room!
A couple of minutes before the official meeting start time, stand on the stage and give a 1 minute warning before the meeting starts (bang that golden gavel to get people’s attention!!).
Call the meeting to order, welcome everyone (in the first half say Mr President, fellow Toastmasters and most welcome guests – in the 2nd half say Mr/Mme Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters and most welcome guests)
Give the housekeeping notices (i.e. fire exits, toilets, mobile phones and the location of the bar!). Introduce and hand over to the President.
At the end of the 1st half of the meeting, make sure you clarify with the Toastmaster when the 2nd half is due to start (this should have been clear in their closing address).
A couple of minutes before the 2nd half start time, stand on the stage and give a 1 minute warning (using the gavel to get people’s attention).
NB: Between speeches, help set up the stage equipment (e.g. lectern and flip chart) as required by the next speaker.
At the start of the 2nd half, welcome everyone back and remind them to turn off their phones.
Finally, if you have not completed your Competent Leadership Award and still need this role signed-off, you should:
(A) give your CL manual to another member before the meeting starts with the required role identified and ask her/him to complete the required section;
and (B) ensure you cover all of the objectives of the selected CL Project during your performance of the role